Thursday, February 24, 2022

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS: February 24, 2022

Attention students in the BSU Club! BSU will be meeting today after school in Ms. Johnson's class, C-27.

*Be sure to register and reserve your trimester 3 parking permit as soon as possible. We expect to sell out again, so don’t wait to register! Reserved permits will be available for pick up during finals week in March.

*TJ Coffeehouse returns this Friday morning. You can purchase your favorite treats and beverages beginning at 8:15 AM. This week’s specialty drink is Red Velvet Latte.  Please be ready to pay with small bills and plan to arrive at your classes one time. For this TJ Coffeehouse, Earth Corps will place paper compost bags in classrooms. You can compost napkins, food scraps, and donut bags. Items that cannot be composted, such as coffee cups and plastic, must be thrown in the trash. There will be an Organics bin at Coffeehouse and during lunch starting Friday. Please sort your lunch appropriately. There will be signs and volunteers to help. See you at the coffeehouse tomorrow morning!