Tuesday, February 22, 2022

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS: February 22, 2022

*Congratulations to the speech team for having TEN finalists at the very competitive 52nd Annual Bloomington Tournament on Saturday.  Special congratulations to Ellie Meier, who was the champion in the honor finals of impromptu speaking; Will Moen, who was the champion in the honor finals of humor; and Sorin Czoschke, who was the champion in the varsity finals of creative expression.

*Don’t forget that you need to attend at least one college meeting before graduation. This week's opportunities come from Upper Iowa University and the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Sign up on Naviance if you’re interested in attending.


*Be sure to register and reserve your trimester 3 parking permit as soon as possible. We expect to sell out again, so don’t wait to register! Reserved permits will be available for pick up during finals week in March.

*TJ Coffeehouse returns this Friday morning. You can purchase your favorite treats and beverages beginning at 8:15 AM.  Please be ready to pay with small bills and plan to arrive at your classes one time. See you Friday morning!

*Lunch will be available after school today for any student interested. If you ride a bus home, please note that the buses will leave school today at 12:45 PM.