Tuesday, April 20, 2021


*Attention 10th & 11th Graders: tomorrow you will come to school to take the MCA exam; 10th graders will take the reading exam and 11th graders will take the math exam. Please arrive at school with your fully charged Chromebook!

Your room assignment is listed on the signs posted in Flag Hall, Flex Hall, and outside the main office. Check the signs today and report directly to your room tomorrow.

Don't worry if you opted out from testing and your name is on the sign. Room assignments were made prior to opt outs. If you opted out, you should stay home tomorrow.

A bag lunch will be available for pickup when you leave the building after testing. The lunch provided will be hotdogs.

Please see Ms. Jarvis with any questions.

*Just a reminder: Thursday (4/22) will be a full 6-period day with dismissal at 1:35.