Wednesday, December 16, 2020

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS: December 16, 2020

*Jefferson Theatre Company makes Broadway debut!
The theater company has filmed their version of It's a Wonderful Life. The show is running on demand this weekend through Broadway on Demand. We hope you can see our talented students perform this beloved classic! 

*STUDENT PICTURES / ID's: If you haven't yet picked up your school pictures and/or student ID, please come to the main door at JHS and someone will get them for you. The pictures/ID's are available for pick Monday - Friday from 9am - 3pm on school days.

*All students in grades 9-12 are required to complete PGP Activities for graduation. Find this trimester’s activities in Canvas.  PGP Activities include attending one college visit and one career speaker sometime between 10th-12th grade. 

*Register for career speakers
- Many colleges use Zoom so please download if you do not already have it. 
- Click the name of the school or meeting for links. Some require pre-registration.