Tuesday, November 10, 2020

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS: November 10, 2020

*All students in grades 9-12 are required to complete PGP Activities for graduation. Find this trimester’s activities in Canvas. 

Dr. Anderson's Letter to Parents:
November 9, 2020
Greetings Jefferson!
Principal Anderson back with an important update as we reach Week 10 of the first trimester. There are some pretty critical topics included in today’s message; my hope is that this document provides clarity on how we are closing out this trimester. With only a few weeks left in this trimester, I know our shared focus is on finishing strong. For your Week 10 news, here we go...
Trimester One Grading
Trimester One ends on Tuesday, November 24. Through studying our data and reviewing our distance learning instructional practices, we have determined that students will have some flexibility and grace in terms of grading this term. The three grading options are found below:
OPTION 1: The Default - All students will be graded on an A-D letter grade scale. Students who do not pass their course(s) will earn an “Incomplete” or a “No Credit”.
OPTION 2: The Pass- Like last spring, we will allow students to OPT IN to a “Pass” instead of a letter grade in ANY class. This option may be used for one course, multiple courses, or all courses, if so desired.
OPTION 3: Incompletes/No Credits - This term students will NOT earn an “F” if they do not pass the class. In most cases, students will be issued an “Incomplete,” and will work with their trimester one teacher(s) on a plan to earn a “Pass” in that class. Once students satisfactorily complete all requirements, their grade will be changed from an “Incomplete” to a “Pass.” At this time there will not be a hard deadline for students to complete these requirements. Students should work in a timely manner with the goal of not having the Incomplete extend into Trimester Three. For some students and classes a “NC” may make more sense; this will be worked out on an individual basis.
Once final grades are posted at the end of the trimester, we will communicate how students and families can select the option that works best for each class. 
For now, this plan is for Trimester One grades only. We will review our process, data, and systems for Trimesters Two and Three as we progress further into the year.
Speaking of grading, we have crafted a FINALS SCHEDULE that reflects our distance learning model. Not every teacher will have a final exam in the traditional sense, but time is reserved for each class to proceed in a manner that best suits their needs.
Cameras in Synch Meets
Again, as we study our distance learning model and experience, one thing we’ve noted is student engagement and cameras. We have observed that students who keep their cameras on during synch meets are much more likely to be engaged with the lesson and are much more likely to understand what they need to do. We HIGHLY encourage students to keep their cameras on during synch meets whenever possible.
Our Unique Students
We mentioned this project in an earlier email, but one of our teacher groups put together this project to highlight the unique traits of our students. Take a look at their video to check out a glimpse of our amazing students! More opportunities like this will be forthcoming.
Thank you all so much for your support and feedback. We know how trying these past several months have been, and we are thankful for your partnership. I know there is a lot included in today’s message, so please let me know if you have any questions or need clarification on anything.
Thank You and Go Jags!
Jaysen Anderson, Principal
All messages sent during distance learning are also posted on our JHS Distance Learning Website, including an archive of previous messages. 

Dr. Jaysen Anderson
Principal, Bloomington Jefferson High School
(952) 806-7650